Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Y6:07 AM

Saturday, June 19, 2004

SoonLi is a radioactive squirrel!!



Meng Zhe is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.



Xie Zhi may actually be a spider-human hybrid



Ren Fu
Look out for the






Small Knife has fragile contents which may break!



Y2:59 AM

Friday, June 18, 2004

mui heart and mui emotions r mui own....y cant i be angri.....itz nt a sin........itz juz wad i feel..........nt lyke sum ppl who alwaez scold ppl but ownself everitime oso angri 4 no apparent reason..................

yarh....2dae thot can go 2 EAST COAST......then can eat Macdonalds........but went 2 a stupid place kalled pasir ris......................sigh shant sae animore chowz....oh ya yu le niao bu niao was nice and farni with the siao ding dong toro............=>

Y7:29 AM

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

so bored.......but noone wanna tok 2 mui so 4get it lorhz........wadeva......*beri frustrated*.......rene.....u angri??????? be a gd garl kzzzzz =>

oh yarh.......tmr going new berms, new shoes, kool chokers, funky wallets, more clothes, and find 5566 4 u bk.......tatz mui aim...........usualli mui target much higher......but tmr let off mui mum 4 once......hahahaz.......c........wad a fillial garl...... 0_0

Y6:27 AM

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

M1 Advert........they finally more 4455....

Y8:48 PM response 2 lim ah ting......i oso veri buah song k........u oso follow mui put pics.......hmph! asshole larh.......heehee =>

2dae mui blood boil until tabula tahan during chess.....that asshole pock-faced biased toad....confiscate mui precious hp.......go and die larh....everibodi in the school oso use hp......i got emergency k......luckily got it back......wah sai...she tink she king ah.....toking over the phone 4 half an hour........and we muz wait 4 her summore....go and die larh.....aniwae thanx beagle,shirley and the wang shao weo no.2 4 waiting wif mui and helping mui! =>

mauhahahahhahaha.....heehee........veri the bored.......beta do stephen hw liaoz later my mum nag again hahaz's sum pics

Shao Nian Te Jing Dui

JR hao suai & his lurve interest Xiao Ying

Aki So CUTE....she rawkz..........

Meng Zhe Rawkz BEEG time!!!!!!!

5566 @ merlion park....ROAR!!!!!!!

Y6:02 AM

Sunday, June 13, 2004

beagle iz an asshole sai. beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole beagle is an asshole

Y12:25 AM

Saturday, June 12, 2004

I did it in 7 seconds.
I deserved an A+!!
Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!

Y2:23 AM

tis was the scene in dou zhen ju le bu when they bully cyndi....heeheez her mum even tried to punch 5566 4 bullying her....wahahahaz.....they were shooting some dou zhen mee brand and cyndi was suppose 2 recite a long paragraph of taiyu she was flustered but it was a joke aniwaez......... :>

haiz so sian my bloodi throat so irritating, i have to swallow 2 big antibiotics tablets...4 5 daes.......wah sai.........feeling giddy and having recurring headaches........ wah kau ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

so damn bloodi and slp liao........

meng zhe rawkz!!!!!!!! :>:>

Y12:18 AM

Friday, June 11, 2004

todae nothing much lar go taka shop shop.................heeezzz go and watch wanquanyule liaozzzz.....byezzzzzzz

Y6:33 AM

Thursday, June 10, 2004

My dearest Lim Ah Ting....haiz lyke u nv c jellyfish b4 lyke that hor???? go sentosa underwater world larh! i noe a wae tat i wont miss wanqualyule everidae......i watch the dae b4 on channel 56 10pm-11pm....chao ji gd man.......heeeezzzz oh ya i watch tis afternoon's wqyl last nite....and they were dancing elva hsiao's kai shi dance....renfu dance until so pro leh....nt lyke shan wei.....i find him lyke shirley tan....veri blur sotong leh!!!!!.....but he'e cute.....while shirley tan offence.....jk larh.....she's cute larhz....:>

2dae go bedok north salvation army.....loads of elderly there i tell u.......veri small and crammed there leh the space but veri wen nuan.....we dump our bags in the relaxation room, then i saw the isolation rm sign....wah a shock of my life....i tink its the SARS quarintine rm....then i veri scared lor...tis stupid shirley and beagley keep scolding mui siao...haiz....later @ 10am....we went to the big hall....wah sai...they were having praise and worship.....all of us were veri the restless larh...the beagley and i saw a black and white cat later meowed so loudli @ another black cat.....scared us man.....

later we follow the PEACE grp( the most senile, and active grp ever ) the viod farni had laufing theraphy and telematch.....quite farni larh.....i guess the old folks r realli frenly and enthu.......:>

then we had lunch.....go hawker centre and eat chicken rice..hell of a disgusting man so horrible the chicken....we laufed and toked until we go and shop shop....we went to c handphones and keep on bugging each other to buy 4 each other...hahaz...then we followed the trail of nice-smelling fried siao lorhz.........but we lost the trail aniwae........

then on our wae back, the stupid shirley and mae chyi pretend 2 go back 2 the salvation army....we( i and beagle) went on ahead 2 c c ,then came back....we peeped into the windows and saw we noe they were lying....we went to look 4 them....on our way....we saw loads of stray cats and we cooed to 2 kittens....but frightened them awae..while they were running...beagle saw shirley and mae chyi in the nxt void deck....we chase after them lyke hell man .....then we saw shirley running alone.......we caught her, then she sae she lost mae chyi @ the bus stop....we searched high and low 4 her.....then we spilt up....beagle and i saw 2 snails we picked them up, wanting 2 scare shirley....hahaz...hahahahaz...but we let them free in the end.....then we saw mae chyi....i picked up the biggest snail and scared mae chyi...hahaz so fun.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

then we went back.....sang our stupid songs the old folks onli lyke yue liang dai biao wo de xin.......then taught them how 2 fold paper hearts......then plaed harmono...which was the funnest part......then ate bobo charchar...which beagle hatez....then go home.....muahahahaha guess i missed 5566 4 a dae!!!!!!!!

5566 rawkz.....renfu kawaiio!!!!!! :o
stephen sux! :(

Y5:31 AM

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

so boh liao arh......2dae sing dunno how mani times the songs damn bored lorh.......heeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz sing until got sore throat liao summore tmr go old folk's home.....haiz sucha waste of time.......i wanna stae @ home and ROT!!!!!!!

Y7:07 AM

Monday, June 07, 2004

beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!beaglez hp so kute!

heeeeeheeeeeee the keypad so soft and nice..........heeheehee my phone so sai lor.....even though itz a newer model....the gamez sux and itz nt as kute as beagleys!!!hmmmmmmmmmm todae quite fun larhz...........let mui tell u how the siao ding dongs spent the 3hr lunch break..............

1st.......we walked 2 central......hahahaz tis sai beagle walk until so fast we call her she no answer.........finalli reach the interchange then decided eat koufu.........beagle eat crispy carrot cake, i eat hokkien mee, mae chyi the sissy gal(jkjk dont take offence hor) eat rice with lemon chicken and finalli the mango-flavoured ah ma eat rice wif sweet and sour chicken.......while i eat, i keep on looking or staring @ them and then they burst out laufing esp beagle tan.....then the 3 of us eat finish liao xcept the sai who iz onli moving on 2 her 3rd piece of carrot cake........i and ah ma complain we still hungry then the sai dumped her whole plate of carrot cake in front of us and ask us to eat 4 her cuz she full liao......we declined her kind offer and went off 2 buy ice kachang.......the stupid woman put until so much condensed milk and corn.......and red beans.......then i accidentaly cut if the ice...then all of it submerged under the milk solution.....stupid shirley went 2 stir until got foam........yuckz...........we couldnt bear to it..........esp wif the yakking mae chyi around saying tat the ice kachang was Mount Fuji/mount everest/volcano/glacier/magma/larva/ nonsensical 1.........we eat and tok and lauf......veri noisi i tell u.......we eat until so long.....we noe becuz the pple sitting beside us have changed 3 times and we're lyke stuck there............

then we moved off 2 cd rama........ah ma was looking @ the price of cyndi cd and me and beagle were looking @ the other cds..........hahaz they were playing jolin's castle qing san shi liu ji veri the nice leh......i and beagle were singing then we made fun of mae chyi......saying tat she tai ai le(too short).....hahahaz then we go popular....wah sai we dunno walk around in circles how mani times looking 4 oragami paper....luckily found it paid it then we go TS vcd shop........shirley go and c cyndi's cd price while we watch the sun wukong cantonese version. so farni hahahahaz.......then we proceeded to the library cuz beagle wanna return her bks.......we then go 7-11 to buy drinks.........yeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww the milo freeze damn thick lor taste lyke over-loaded chocolate........i and shirley drink until wanna vomit liao......the stupid mae chyi drink until so harpi......pluz the beagle who keep on saying that it iz sai so gross lorh.........

then we go back 2 skool so stupid lorz..............late by half an hour.....heez........i was playing wif beagle'z handphone the whole time......the keypad so soft and nice heeez the gamez oso............stupid ah ma so fustrated wif us.......cuz we keep on laufing non-stop.......hahahaz

WAD A FUN DAE!!!!!! **********************

5566 rawkz though!!!!!!!!!! => tata young.............yeeeeeewwwwwwwww! =p

Y5:17 AM

Sunday, June 06, 2004

hahahaz juz watch dou zhen ju le damn farni esp renfu who wheeled himself all over the place in a wheelchair........hahahaz shao wei oso.......tok over the phone to xin ling in dou zhen best frenz 2 ask her go nude swimming with him so as to start spreading news on him...........hahahaz......she did nt agreed of coz........but the dialouge was hell of a farni i tell u......renfu acted as sun zong......hahahaz and xin ling believe lor.......hahahahahaz..........then all of them pluz everi 1 in the studio go and "zhen"(bully) xu chun mei......... laufing non-stop kzzzzzzzz then i switch over 2 100% senorita.........mmmmm quite nice larh but a little boring and draggy..............

Meng Zhe Ling Rawkz................Zhuo Fei Yang rawkz........5566 rawkz..............

eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmzzzzzzzzzzzz........renfu and sun xie zhi r "bad" actors..............but luckily the innocent xu chun mei still fall into their trap.......muahahahaha she damn blur i tell u they flashed their apology on the screen and she missed it and still asked the producer to clarify things...........wad a blur toad lyke MANGO!!!!!!

Y10:20 PM

yeah yeah yeah.....*pumping my fist in the air*...i am blogging on mui new laptop!!!!! So bloodi harpi.......thanx stephen( though nt realli sincere and veri relunctantly) mum was so annoyed wif mui and my sis squabbling over the laptop that she bought me mui own......hahahahahaz itz dell (delle) brand........muahahahahaha....and mui sis bought her own palmtop tungsten E, quite fun leh downloading games and all....woo hoo chao zi harpi....erhem wanna c mui 3rd blog? actualli itz nt realli done up tell u the add tmr....hahahahahahahaha...

oh yarh....the harry potter movie isn't nice @ all so boring and i want CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS BACK!!!!! the new director nv follow the storyline 1 and missed out veri intersting parts lyke when harry was playing quidditch and malfoy,crabbe and goyle dressed up as dementors 2 scare him and harry fired a patronus charm at them, causing them 2 faint in lousi tis director.....*sigh*

oh yarh.....2molo hor....another boring and boh liao dae......loaded wif stephen hw....asshole ar......oooooooooops juz now juz thank her now curse her....hahahaz so siao 1 mui.........heeheeheeheehee

oh yar....i wld be posting up sum 5566 pics and images....mainly them larh but got other pple s well......ermz itz in my private blog and onli those who got mui 2nd blog add can enter though......heeheez private wad hor?.....=> c u guys(garlz) there mui frenz hahahahaha tag mui blog hor!!!! =>=>=>

Y3:55 PM

Thursday, June 03, 2004

sai ah sai ah sai ah....hmmmmmmmmzzzz....muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha sai ah sai ah sai ah sai ah sai ah sai ah bloodi sian lorz...the assholic stephen larh boh liao giv us so much hw hope she mark until she die........i'm changing my blog liao muibe onli... getting quite sick of tis 1 liaoz....tadumzzzz hey beagle ur blog is suppose 2 be a 5566 blog rite how cum no pics 1?...haiz nvm.......

ermzzzz watching harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban tonite...cant wait.....shld be nice larh rite?!?!

heeheehee gtg tata =>

Y12:23 AM

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

the sai change her blog template liao.....finally......oi who sae u can scold me har????? heeheeheeheehee MANGO is DELICIOUS!!!!! Ermhem who ask MANGO so easy to bully har, she so "innocent" erhem *clears throat*.....we realli went koo koo yesterdae yuppz keep on stealing beagle's neoprints and hiding them, then so pai seh lor the ah tu keep on cuming 2 our table and teaching us strategies and we r lyke dumb? hahahaz he oso feeling paiseh i suppose......then we were lyke according 2 beagle sore losers....guess we caught the disease frm mei chi......then i keep on beating shirley hahahahahaz treating her lyke punch bag....who ask her so flabby?????

so harpiiii finally can get harry potter prisoner of azkaban computer game....i mean i got it alreadi fun lorh.....keep on playing non-stop.....but i so guai......i got do stephen's and chong chong's hw on time kzzzzzzz.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmm dunno y c stephen oso sian........curse her go and die larh so mafan everitime do all these stuuuuupid hw.......haiz

oh ya nxt wk hav 2 go old folk's home wif beagle, shirley and mei chyi 2 do CIP hrs....hahahahaz hope we dont end up making the old folk's angry........muahahahaha but i bet it'll be fun wif MANGO around, rite beagle??????

Y7:21 AM

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

tjc 21/07.
17 going on 18.



take off
♥Adelina and Aprilia
♥Hui Ting
♥Michelle Law
♥Michelle Teo
♥Qi Yi
♥Xiu Ling
♥Jia Feng
♥Jia Yu
♥Pin Ru
♥Yu Mei
♥Zsa Zsa

May 2004
June 2004
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